Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Alex Egan - Boiler room set

Your 3rd and final Tuesday treat is here in the form of a Boiler Room set from the one and only Alex Egan. Just a short one at 25 minutes but get a listen and I'm sure you'll agree that tune selection makes up for the limited play time.

We're seriously happy to see Alex Egan back behind the controllers again as we know what a talented DJ the man is. A true connoisseur of fine and rare tunage Alex know a thing or two about digging. This is also a spot on demonstration of what a warm up set should be for us. Perfectly executed as an evening opener to the recent Kink, Matt Walsh and Daniel Avery Boiler Room session.

Check it on the video stream above or on the Soundcloud player below.


Hesseltime & Mr Solid Gold - Tief on Rinse FM

Back with one more Tuesday treat for your lug holes. 

Last Saturday Trouble Vision boss man Mr Solid Gold stepped up alongside Tief skipper Hesseltime for a wee rinse out on Rinse FM. I think you can already guess that the result was rather special. 

Featuring another superb exclusive from Casino Times as well and plenty of laid back house, deep sweepers and edited up disco. One to get you through the afternoon with ease.

Stream and download on the link here.

Leisureware - Mix for Feel My Bicep

Coming in on this fine crisp Tuesday morning with a mix from one of our favourite locals, Leisurewear. Put together for the boys over at Feel my Bicep this is another quality splice from the Fill yer Boots blogger and party organiser.

Head over to the Feel My Bicep blog here or click on the above image for the player and download link and get ready for some quality deep groove pie.

Will try and be back later today with some more mix tape crackers.


Monday, 17 December 2012

SharkBait Concrete Podcast 008 + Yoghurt Warrior Clothing

So back in with a Monday treat after last weeks time off. We were actually supposed to get this one up for you last week but unfortunately a mad Xmas schedule has prevented us with treating your ears to daily mixes over the past 7 days and for that we are sincerely sorry.

Anyway, onwards and upwards and what better way to start your Monday ear pleasure than with a tasty splicing of tunage from our buddy and purveyor of fine garments DJ SharkBait.

The mix recorded as part of the Concrete pod cast series also coincides with the latest range release from SharkBait's very own clothing label Yoghurt Warrior of which we are big fans. Head on over to the Yoghurt Warrior site here for a look at some of their latest and freshest Ts, sweats, and for the ladies (or guys i suppose) some fresh as hell Dino print leggings.

Get the mix on the below player and head over to the host Soundcloud page for full track listing.


Friday, 7 December 2012

Friday Mixtual - Park Ranger - Shadow Mix

Coming into Friday with a heavy head. Shouts to the Congaloid crew for last nights party. We had a lot of fun but are certainly feeling it now. 

Today's Friday mixtual is rather special. A seriously hefty 2 hours of cracking music and impeccable mixing skills from fellow Trouble Vision resident Park Ranger.

Spliced together for Shadow South this is a tape that needs to be listened to. Head on over to the Shadow South site here for more about what they do and get on the mix on the below player. It will not disappoint.

For those heading to Bugged Out/Hydra later for James Murphy and Horse Meat Disco.....We shall see you on the floor.



Thursday, 6 December 2012

Giles Peterson - Brownswood FM // Exotica Tings

Something a little different from one of the greats to get you through this afternoon.

Giles Peterson is a don. A top class party DJ and impeccable collector of records. From house and jazz through to Afro beat and swing. He knows a thing or two about rare and quality tunage.

This one popped up on his Soundcloud a couple of days ago ad it is definitely worth a listen. It's a recording from Giles' Brownswood FM show showcasing tracks from his Brownswood Recordings label as well as other amazing sounds. Get it on the player below.



Congaloid Label Xmas Party + Franky Redente Live mix

How you doing people?

The weekend is about to start and what better way to bring it in than spending an evening with the Congaloid records family. Tonight Stefano Ritteri and his band of house music loving misfits will be taking over Basing House in Shoreditch for a Free evening of tunage and good company. We are also very happy to say that we have been invited along to join the musical line up and will be playing a couple of hours of Thursday night grooves.

To get you in the mood, Congaloid resident Franky Redente has sent us over a live recording of his opening set from the previous Congaloid gathering. A very nice little mix to bring in your day is this one, packed with perfect light refreshment.

Get it on the player below and head over to the Cogaloid event page here for details of tonight's Free party.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Hydra/Bugged out present - James Murphy + Boiler room mix

Almost through Tuesday peeps. Stay strong.

Second mix for today is one we have posted in the past but it's definitely worth a second post for a few reasons. Later this week i will be turning a little older and in celebration of this inevitable day we are heading down to the Hydra/Bugged out party at Fire in Vauxhall to check out one of my favourite DJs of all time  - Mr James Murphy.

Now it may be a big call saying that this guy is my favourite DJ of all time but he is definitely up there. Many of you will know him from his LCD Sound System days and as co founder of DFA records. But If you have not checked out his DJ sets you have most certainly been missing out. A true selector of quality house, funk and disco gems seamlessly mixing from unknown Afro beat funk to more known chart hitting grooves. He knows how to get the floor bouncing and with a four hour extended set he will be doing just that.

This Friday is looking to be serious on the vibe front. Expect smiles, arms in the air, hipsters, old skoolers, techno heads, straight, gay and everything in between.

In support - Horse Meat Disco, Dan Beaumont, & Nadia Ksaiba.

Get on Jame's Boiler room mix from a few months back on the player below and if you're in London this Friday head on over to the RA page event page here for the last few tickets.

And we hope to see you there!


Sellouts - Sccucci Manucci Podcast #5

Another day another mix.......Or two. 

Happy Tuesday ya'll. The weekend is creeping up slowly but surely.  Groove stepping our way into Tuesday with this fresh little treat from the Sccucci Manucci label crew in the form of their latest podcast (#5). 

Mixed by Australian slowed up Disco connoisseurs "Sellouts", it is definitely making my Tuesday feel a touch more sexy. I'm only 30 minutes in but can say this is essential mid week listening.

Check out more from the Sccucci Manucci Label over on their web site here and get the mix on the Soundcloud player below.

Back later with some more essential ear candy.


Monday, 3 December 2012

Haze - Just Waxin Vol 2 Mix

Here's one more little treat for your Monday ears. Just seen this one uploaded by an old mate of mine - Mr James Haze aka Haze. In knowing that the dude has an impeccable taste in  quality house and techno i decided to have a wee listen. Well I'm Happy to say it did not disappoint.

The boy certainly knows his way around the record decks. Mixed with straight up vinyl the old school way from a bag of lovingly collected gems. This one will certainly get you through another Monday afternoon drag.

James is no newby to the scene with a good few hours of production, label work and DJing under his belt. He certainly schooled me on many a detail of the house music scene as well as the party procedures surrounding it!

Any way, get the mix on the player below, admire the mans sexy stature above, get on over to his Soundcloud here for more about the man himself and we'll be back later in the week.


Greymatter - Deep Impressions Mix

Happy Monday folks!

We hope everyone had suitably noised up weekends. Any one that hit up Tief on Friday will probably agree that it was one hell of a party. Shouts going out to KRL, Maurice Fulton, San Soda, The Wolf crew and Greymatter who all tore the place down with incredible sets.

Also, another shout to the Familia crew who had Robin and myself down to play the terrace at the Egg on Saturday. What a crowd!

Greymatter - Deep Impressions Mix

Now, carrying on our love for Wolf music today with another top mix from one of our favourite DJs of the moment Greymatter. We like to keep you up to date with any fresh splices from the man Greymatter as they are consistently of the finest quality. Wolf Music and the entire crew have really stepped things up for the UK house scene of late and we are massive fans.

This mix has been put together for Deep Impressions on Kiss FM Australia and features a bag of our current faves including San Soda's "You Hear Me" and the KRL remix of Detroit Swindle's "Brotherman".

Get a listen to the below and we'll be back later in the week. Track listing can be found over on the Soundcloud page.




Friday, 30 November 2012

Friday Mixtual - Detroit Swindle - Dirtcast #23

Friday is here! 

And another big weekend ahead. Tonight we'll be taking a punters view as we head on down to Tief at Corsica studios for a bit of a wiggle. Guests tonight including Levon Vincent, San Soda, Maurice Fulton, KRL, Gretmatter and many more. Details for that one can be found here.

Tomorrow night ( Saturday 1st Dec) Me and the Robin will be taking the reigns for the first time in a long while at London's The Egg for what is looking to be a cracking night being hosted by Familia. Joining us on the bill - Egbert, Dan Curtin, Jon Rundell, House of Disco and more. Details for that one here.

Now on to the mix

Detroit Swindle - Dirtcast #23

We love a bit of Detroit Swindle. We posted one of their recent mixes a few weeks back with the launch of their Creep Ep (which is also one of my favorite releases of recent). If you missed that one make sure you scroll back and get a listen.

If you did hear the last mix you'll be very happy to hear that they're back in today with another fine selection coinciding with the release of yet another superb Ep - "Guess What" out now on Dirt Crew Recordings.

I'm half way into the mix and its not looking like it's going to disappoint. Featuring tracks from Max Graef, Noir and Medlar to name but a few. Head on over to their Facebook page here for more details of the Dutch duo and here to purchase a copy of "Guess What".

Get the mix on the player below. 


Thursday, 29 November 2012

Round Table Knights - Autumn/Winter mix 2012 + Congaloid Label Party

Got a lovely little mixtual for you today coming straight from Switzerland's finest.

Round Table Knights - Autumn/Winter 2012 mix
We've been fans of The Round Table knights for many moons and although their name hasn't been seen much in the UK recently they have most definitely been smashing the European circuit. 

Two very talented producers and even more so in the track selection stakes. Their mix tapes are always impeccably thought out and take you on a smooth journey from subtle party starter and basic funky steppers through to the more housey numbers they have been known to tear many a floor apart with.

This is the first mix from the RTK boys we've posted in a while so make sure you get a listen to it and i think you'll understand why we've got such respect for these chaps.

Get it on the Mixcloud player below.


In Other News

We've just been ask to join next weeks second instalment of the Congaloid Records party taking place at their new regular home Basing House (Oonst fans will know it well).

Congaloid records is the child of our very good friend and possibly smoothest known Italian around Stefano Ritteri (formally known as Solo). As well as releasing regularly on house imprints including Defected, Pets Recordings and Dirty Bird some how Stef has found the time to start up Congaloid as an out let for music he thinks deserves attention and so far his thoughts have proved worthwhile. Early releases from artists including Seka, The Deepshakerz and Baunz have all dropped on the imprint and there is alot more to come in 2013.

Last month saw the first Congaloid event take place at Basing house and it certainly didn't disappoint. Joining us on the line up next Thursday - 6th December will be the man Stefano himself as well as fellow Italian  Franky Redente. It's looking to be another goody so do drop by and say wussup.

Details for next Thursdays Congaloid can be found on the RA event page here or on the flyer above.


Friday, 23 November 2012

More Friday Mixtuals - Heidi - Video Stream - Dj Mag Sessions

Never posted a recorded stream from Be-at.tv so not sure how smooth this one will be. Either way a live set from the queen of Jack is worth a try.

Was supposed to attend this one last night but unfortunately couldnt make it. Either way it's up for our pleasure on the video player below or if that's being awkward head straight to the site here. Canadian born Heidi certainly brings the groove and has carved out a permanent spot on the House music scene this side of the pond. Now based in Berlin (I think??) her Jackathon sessions & compilations are held in the highest regard by some of the most influential heads.

This live set recorded last night at the Bedroom club for DJ mags Sessions party will take you in to Friday night in the smoothest of ways possible. Safe weekends!


Friday Mixtual - Dark Sky - Solid Steel Mix

Another Hot off the press mix to bring in another glorious Friday Mixtual.

This pre-lunch treat coming in the form of Dark Sky's Solid Steel Mix recorded for SolidSteel.net.

A seriously creative trio are Dark Sky as this mix will demonstrate. Splicing their own productions of darker feeling electronic dance floor sounds with classic pressings from Ninja Tunes and Stones Throw. This mix will ease in Friday afternoon perfectly and take you through to a club head space for later on.

 Get the mix on the below Soundcloud player and head over to the Dark Sky Soundcloud page here for more Dark Sky noisings.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Louche Podcast 090 - Anthony Naples

Continuing with our massive week of mix recommendations here's another ipod/generic Mp3 player essential.

Now i know we've been banging on about Louche for the past few weeks but their 5th birthday and fine line ups are definitely something to take note of. As is their regular pod cast releases. The most resent one down below coming from New York based Anthony Naples. Rawness from the start with rough kicks and skippy groove ridden beats. House i like to dance to in its purest form. There's also some more experimental noise later on to keep the heads happy.

If you haven't yet, check out the Louche - London 5th Birthday details for this Saturday's party at Plan B in Brixton here. Henrik Shwartz, Move D, Spinkles, Mr Solid Gold.....What more could you want.

Head over to the Louche site for more about what they do and a whole host of quality pod casts ( Move D on the previous one) .

Mix on the player below.


Ben Sun - Melborne Deep Cast 076

Happy Thursday and a huge Thanks Giving shout out to our US listeners.

Coming in nice and early today with this quality mix from London based Aussie supremo Ben Sun.
Laid down as number 076 in the Melborne Deep Cast Series it features a host of his own productions including 2 exclusives. 

The mix is seriously tight, taking you through a collection of well thought out winter warming deep house and uplifting sound scapes. Ben Sun is possibly one of our hottest tips for next year with his label Voyeurhythm growing in momentum and his name becoming a regular on some of the hottest bills around. He will also be joining this New Years Eve Trouble Vision line up along side John Talabot, Move D and Bicep (head here for more details on that one).

Get the mix on the player below and make sure you check out the Voyeurhythm web site here as well as his interview with Melbourne Deep cast here


Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Henrik Schwarz - EB Radio Mix on FluxFM + Louche 5th Birthday

Continuing a superb week of mixes today with a serious splice from Southern Germany's Henrik Schwarz. 

The Innervisons label man and deep house legend stepped up last week on German on line station Flux FM for an hour of tunes and chat followed by this straight up hour long mix of deep rolling greatness.

Henrik will be appearing this Saturday (24th Nov) in London for the Louche 5th Birthday party taking place at Brixton's Plan B with support coming from DJ Sprinkles, Move D, Braiden and our Trouble Vision main man Mr Solid Gold.

It is one hell of a line up especially for the size of the venue (not tiny but not the biggest of  spaces) so things look certain to be special.

Head on over to the RA event page here for full details and tickets and get on over to the Electronic Beats web site here for an exclusive stream of the mix.

Mix Here ------


Tuesday, 20 November 2012

krankbrothers - Autumn Podcast - Snowbombing Promo Mix

Double treating you today as this ones fresh off the press and we thought you should get your ears around it as soon as you can.

Krankbrothers founders and residents Danny Clancy and Kieran Clancy have made one hell of an impact on the London party scene over the past 3 years with their parties growing from a wee private shindig in Corsica Studios to one of the most cutting edge sessions in the most creative venues around. Line ups have included Lee Foss, Nic Fancuilli, Josh Wink, Maceo Plex and many many more.

 As well as their London impact this Summer also saw them tear Ibiza apart with their own personal brand of classy rebel clubbing tactics and we can be certain to expect a lot more in 2013.

This mix has been spliced together with a taste that's true to form. Smooth house and techy treats through out.

Get it on the player below and head on over to the Krankbrother web site here for details of their upcoming events including a serious NYE knees up.


Kink - Live in the Boiler Room

What a week of treats it's looking to be.

Not going to say much about this one other than just make sure you listen to/watch it. If you don't know about Kink you will by the end of this. Truly spectacular.

Watch on the video below or head on over to the Boiler Room site for the pod cast here.


Monday, 19 November 2012

Deetron - BBC Radion One Essential Mix

Happy Monday folks.

Straight in this week with something rather special. Swiss DJ and producer Deetron has had one hell of a year for which we've been lucky enough to share a number of billings with. His set for the Trouble Vision club night at this years Stop Making Sense festival was possibly one of my favorite sessions of 2012. 

On Saturday BBC Radio One cemented his status as one of the most talented DJs in the World by inviting him along to record his edition of the Essential Mix. Seriously worth getting a listen to this one now as it will be available for streaming for another 4 days. Get it here or click the image above for the jump.

More to come in the week.


Wednesday, 14 November 2012

The Date Podcast w/ Horse Meat Disco & Karizma

How do people? Sorry, not been to active on the posts this week but thought we'd drop you this mid week treat in the form of one hell of a quality pod cast. We're big fans of pod casts laid down properly. A touch of chat always makes a radio show far more interesting than a straight up mix and gives you a bit more of an insight into artist's goings on and inspirations.

It's the first time I've listened to the The Date podcast but I'll most certainly tune in again.  This edition features some chat from the legendary Horse Meat Disco boys James Hillard and Jim Stanton along with a number of superb disco selections ( you know I'm a sucker for the disco) as well as a one hours straight up mix from Boltimorean legend Karizma.

The podcast is a preview for The Date's upcoming party taking place this weekend at the Loft Studios in London on the 17th November featuring Horse Meat Disco, DJ Spin & Karizma. Definitely a line up worth checking out. Full details can be found over on the RA event page here and the podcast is available on the Soundcloud player below.

Back later in the week.


Tuesday, 6 November 2012

GeT. TRONIC radio show w/ Normski

Straight out of Hoxton today and more importantly our current Oonst head quarters Basing House

Hoxton FM (Forward Movement) is a 24-7 online radio stream set up in late 2011. The station is going from strength to strength with a growing number of live and pre recorded shows taking inspiration from Hoxton art, fashion, culture and more importantly music.

Thought we'd post this little treat of a mix for you today taken from the weekly Get. TRONIC show presented by the one and only Normski and mixed by the man himself. GeT. TRONIC is streamed live every Friday from our current Oonst home, Basing house from 4pm till 6pm and features some of the finest in house and techno old and refreshingly new. Check the mix on the sound cloud below and make sure you tune in on Friday for the live show or the repeat on Saturday evening at 10 pm. Check the site here

Oonst returns to Basing House this Friday (9th November) with special guest Adam Port and look out for us and fellow Oonst residents dropping by the GeT. TRONIC live show in the very near future. More details to come in the week and you can check out the RA eventpage here for info and tickets for this Friday's Oonst.


Monday, 5 November 2012

Daphni - Live at The Busey Building 5th October 2012

Happy Monday! Bit of a treat today for anyone that was not lucky enough to snap up a ticket for the seven and a half hour Daphni set at Peckham's Bussy building back at the start of October.

Dan Snaith aka Caribou aka Daphni has posted the full live recording of his DJ set from the album release party and from people who I've spoke to who were there on the night - was one hell of a party.

The mix is in two parts (7 1/2 hours is a big old file!) and is available on the Soundcloud player below. I'm almost an hour in and it is most certainly a Monday afternoon blessing.

More in the week.
