Thursday, 10 March 2011

DJ Sneaks #3 Cosmin TRG

Edition number 3 in the DJ Sneaks series today from Romanian producer Cosmin TRG aka Cosmin Nicolae.

Anyone lucky enough to have caught Cosmin at Trouble Vision's Simple Records party last Saturday will know what a set this guy lays down. With things definitely moving within a more housey mood set in this mix, Cosmin is certainly a master of many styles with roots in drum and bass as well as previously being know as straight up "TRG" releasing a much more garage and 2 step orientated sound. His detail and quality of production has certainly moved forward with him and he has definitely become one of the most rated producers in a long time in our eyes and i know a lot of people who will most certainly agree.

We had a chat and a few frat cups of rum with Cosmin after his set at Trouble Vision to find out a bit about his current kicks. He has also been kind enough to hook us up with his most recent mix laid down for the Netherlands based DJ Broadcast podcast.

Cosmin's Kicks-

A pair of Clae Khan Caramel here, which i think you'll agree are a true classic looking pair of high tops. A lesser known but definitely high quality brand, which in
2003 was given the Sportswear International Award for the best men's shoe line (fact). Clean designs with the shoe supposedly being designed with comfort in mind as equally as the style element with the option of removing the ankle strap for more ankle freedom availible when required.
Cosmin picked these up in Size? Carnaby street on one of his visits to London. Cosmin says he is a big fan of high tops as well as the colour scheme here being pretty special. We definitely agree with the caramel.

Track listing
  1. Maurizio - M7 Edit - M7
  2. Joyce Muniz - Bedstories (Cosmin TRG remix) - Exploited
  3. Cosmin TRG - Sirop - Rush Hour
  4. Frozen Border - FB07 A - Frozen Border
  5. Skudge - Below - Skudge
  6. Mike Dehnert - Teilfolge - Delsin
  7. Jonas Kopp - Nibirus - Enemy
  8. Cosmin TRG - Separat - 50 Weapons
  9. Anthony Shake Shakir - The Floor Filler (Skudge remix) - Rush Hour
  10. Cosmin TRG - Izolat - 50 Weapons
  11. Mike Dehnert - Framework - Delsin
  12. The Oliverwho Factory - Galactic Transit (Instrumental) - Rush Hour
  13. Armando - We're On the Move (Mike Dunn's Snare mix) - Warehouse/ Muzique
  14. Marcel Fengler - Twisted Bleach - Ostgut Ton
  15. STL - Qrz - Something
  16. Future Past - Clinically Inclined - Planet E
  17. Cosmin TRG - Negligee - Rush Hour

Also check out his recent and satisfyingly dark release on 50 Weapons "Seperat/Izolat" on the below Soundcloud player.

Separat/ Izolat - out February 04/2011 50 Weapons by CosminTRG

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